Real Repair Shops,
Real Results.
Learn how RepairPal has helped 3700+ shops attract new customers and grow their business.

What you can do with RepairPal, the largest site for auto repair
Get New Customers
Get introduced to new customers through and partners like USAA, CarMax, and Consumer Reports.
Increase Retention
Increase customer retention from our 3rd party quality and satisfaction certification, and proof of fair prices with our best-in-class Estimator.
Build Trust
Leverage the RepairPal Certified brand trusted by millions of consumers each month as the standard for high-quality and fair-priced shops.
Dive Deeper into the benefits of RepairPal Certification
These case studies reveal how RepairPal has helped shops grow their businesses.
Charlie & Ray's Auto Repair: How they doubled their average repair order
Read this case study to find out how RepairPal brought them immediate results.
Meineke Car Care Center: How RepairPal helped them grow
In this case study, you'll learn how they benefited from RepairPal's marketing and saw an uptick in business during their slow period.
Advanced Automotive: How they increase their ARO to $1,200
Explore this case study and learn how they leveraged RepairPal to get more customers and increase their average repair order.